Thursday, 03 March 2011

A visit to Thornhill

Des Baker, Des Baker, all the students are saying in the design class. Apparently this year's Des Baker Project entitles us to design a sustainable primary school an a rural environment. Interesting to say the least that the rural community that my classmates and I have decided on, was only half an hours drive out of the city. The reason for this trip was to go out there and talk to the local community about what are the primary concerns with the current school and what they would essentially need.

The small rural community of Thornhill is set between farmland in the middle of nowhere on lush green hills. This was my first time to set foot an a rural area. And to my surprise I expected a dilapidated town, however this town was well managed by the community. Even the school, with its low standards, seemed well managed that a smile was given to me by all the residents, especially the kids. 

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